Vision & Mission

Our Mission

VIETVINH establishes integrated plants in food production, food processing and food storage in an effort to promote food security and ensure that energy is used efficiently. The company builds its values by cooperating with all its stakeholders.

Our Vision

VIETVINH works for a better world and future, maintaining its awareness of corporate social responsibility by constantly seeking out the new and authentic, and produces innovative solutions with an emphasis on food security and energy efficiency.


The greatest threat to our planet is to believe that someone else is going to save it. We believe in a better world and a better future, and strive to give back more than we take from the world.

We bravely dive in life in order to push and overcome our boundaries and alternatives. By constantly learning, improving ourselves and enjoying every moment, we steadily develop the values we believe.

We seek success in kindness, and do not fear of stepping into the unknown. We constantly search for the new, better and authentic, and share what we learn and explore with the whole world.

We believe in the right to have access to healthy and affordable food at all times by everyone, and offer innovative solutions for “food security.”

0981 789 248