• Energy cost of cooling

Along with electric power, cooling sytems use solar energy, organic gases and wind power. However, electricity is the most commonly used form of power because it fully caters the needs of cooling systems, and does not require investment costs. Today, energy costs of cold storage have become tremendously affordable thanks to advancing technologies.

Useful Information on Cooling

  • Food Pyramid

More than 70% of the food consumed today is stored in cold storage with an increasing rate everyday. Just look at your fridges in your houses.

Useful Information on Cooling

  • The importance of cooling for food

The secret to ensuring food security in developed countries, distinguished with their high quality of life, is that they developed a good system for food storage and the necessary infrastructure for this system. Agricultural development is directly proportionate to the ratio of the total number of cold stores to the population in a country.

  • Apple wastage

Food waste is one of the biggest problems facing humanity. Regrettably, our world has high rates of food wastage. This causes serious economic losses and many people in the world do not have enough food. To give an example, 1 in 5 apples gets wasted around the world, which amount to 15 million tonnes of apples in total annually. In other words, 600,000 truckloads of apples, with the market value of 30 billion USD, are thrown away.

Useful Information on Cooling

The most effective way of preventing food waste is storing food correctly.

As VIETVINH, we believe that access to healthy food, which is the most basic human need, at all times for everybody, should no longer be an issue, and we work for this.

  • The effect of storing food on the price of products

The regions that have adequate number of cold storage facilities with proper storage conditions keep food demand and food prices stable all year round; thus, both the producer and consumer win.

Useful Information on Cooling

  • Secrets to making profit in the food industry

 1. Changing the form of food

Putting a product in a different category by processing it, bringing added value to it and increasing profits.

E.g. making yoghurt from milk

2. Selling food in a different place from where it is produced

Producing the product where it is abundant, taking it to where it is scarcely found, and selling it there.

3. Selling the product outside of harvest season

Producing the food on the harvest season, storing it afterwards and putting it on the market outside of harvest season.

E.g. producing apples in November and selling it in June

In all these cases, success lies in storing the food properly. And for this, modern cold storage and processing facilities are needed. Therefore:

  • The product quality remains the same for a long time
  • Yield loss is minimised
  • The product is put on the market when desired in any amount

Producing is not enough; storing and processing a product correctly matter, too.

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